An Introduction to CRM
(Customer Relationship Management)

Customer Relationship Management is a huge undertaking, which means that, just like any significant process, you have to know how to analyse technical, complicated systems. There’s a maze of information out there about what’s needed to successfully implement strategies for customer relationship management, but this program has brought it together in a comprehensive course to take you through CRM from start to finish! Learn what kind of CRM is right for your business, and how to avoid undermining the system to keep your customer relations strong.


CRM: An Introduction to Customer Relationship Management training  teaches attendees the benefits of CRM on a company’s bottom line; how to analyse a CRM plan; makes sure their company is in a position to benefit from CRM; explore the differences between in-house development and using an Application Service Provider (ASP); and learn how to assemble a team that will ensure CRM is effective for the organisation and for the customers. Improving client relationships may not be simple, but  it can be easy to learn!

If your role requires you to manage relationships with customers, or you want to introduce a consistent relationship management program across the organisation, this is the program for you.

Click here to enquire about delivery or register your interest in this program:

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